Vacation rental in Puerto Morelos – Book direct & save up on fees!

Alain Phillips Yeroham

Alain Phillips Yeroham Relationship and Emotional Resilience Coach & Organizational Trainer Live healthy, engaged & meaningful relationships, so you can thrive in your ventures with ease. The Emotional Perspective Coaching & Training Process is a discovery journey for individuals, couples, families, teams, small organizations, and large corporate enterprises into, “literally dis-covering” their true selves from […]

Nancy Rueda

Nancy Rueda  Physical therapist acupuncturist 20 years of experience Handling a variety of techniques focused on the liberation of the being and harmonization of body, mind and spirit. Being a lover of Peace above all things and a free spirit allowed me to study, practice and link the different aspects that concern my being of […]


Marquesita: They are made of a batter, similar to that of an ice cream cone, rolled up into a tube. Inside they come with Dutch cheese, but these days you can ask for all sorts of other toppings.


Esquites: are a local treat made of corn, mayonnaise, lemon, chilli and lemon. You will find esquite vendors around the park.


Pithaya: When in season you can find pithayas in the local stores. They have a tart-sweat taste. They grow on a cactus-like plant that grows as a parasite plant on other trees in the jungle.


Bats: You will find when walking around at night that suddenly a creature might fly by, too quickly to be identified. That is more than likely a local bat. They eat fruits and bugs and swoop around at night. Our most common variety is the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis). It is a medium-sized bat […]

Morelet’s Crocodile

The Morelet’s crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) is the type we have in the area. It is also known as the Mexican crocodile. It can be found only in fresh waters of the Atlantic regions of Mexico, Belize , and Guatemala. It usually grows to about 3 meters (9.8 ft) in length. They generally stay in the mangrove. When there is an extreme […]


Coatis: are local Racoon like creatures. If you bump into one, just let them run along when you see them. If you want to catch some of these you can do so by heading to the empty lot next to the Casa de la Cultura on Av. Niños Heroes.


Quijas: We have a local friend called quija. They are small lizard like creatures that run on the walls. It is virtually impossible to get rid of them and they really only eat mosquitos and other night bugs. If you hear little chirping sounds at night, that is the little quijas cleaning out the room […]

Sarihuella Talcuache

Sarihuella or Talcuache: These night roamers are common here and you often find them walking around the garden at night. In English, they are known as Opossum. Some folks are scared of them and think they are dangerous or have rabies. This is false information. They are very gentle vegetarians and if you don’t corner […]

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